Tuesday, 29 May 2012




Daddy Owen's "Mbona

 Daddy Owen's "Mbona: ...Daddy Owen's "Mbona" get's ghafla rated
Daddy Owen's video just got dropped and i have the pleasure of reviewing it.
Well, for starters let me say that i am not a big fan of either gospel or ballads but when a song is good, it's good and this song fits the billing.
The song's content addresses physical disability (disability is not inability) and the video starts out with various individuals talking about their experiences with disability. I might add for effect that Daddy Owen is blind in one eye which is why i think he poured his soul out on this track. Nay, not in a sing songy manner but in his delivery: his vocals on this one are haunting!
Daddy Owen has enlisted the help of Denno on this track and an interesting piece of information is that Denno is blind. But right back to the topic at hand, the beat is reminiscent of reggea instrumentals which compliment Daddy Owen's husky voice ergo he's comfortable singing so right off the bat the track captivates you. But all this is before Denno begins singing the 2nd verse. I dare say he outshone Daddy Owen. Granted, singing isn't his (Daddy Owen's) strong suit but my oh my this lad Denno can sing!

Monday, 28 May 2012


Miss Lula Teklehaimanot (19) kutoka Ethiopia
Warembo watakaoziwakilisha Nchi zao katika mashindano ya Miss East Africa mwaka huu wanaendelea kupatikana kutoka katika Nchi mbalimbali zinazoshiriki mashindano hayo.

Mrembo mwingine aliyeingia fainali ni Miss Lula Teklehaimanot (19) kutoka Nchini Ethiopia ambae alipatikana mwishoni mwa wiki baada ya kuwashinda warembo wenzake waliojitokeza kutaka kuiwakilisha Ethiopia katika fainali hizo.

Miss Lula Teklehaimanot ana urefu wa 1.79m na uzito wa 52kg ni mwanafunzi wa mwaka wa kwanza katika chuo cha St. Merry University cha jijini Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ampapo anasomea degree ya Marketing

Pia Mrembo huyo ni miongoni mwa wanamitindo maarufu wanaochipukia kwa kasi Nchini Ethiopia.

Fainali za mashindano ya Miss East Africa 2012 zitafanjika tarehe 07 mwezi September mwaka huu jijini Dar es salaam

Are Jimmy Gait& Holy Dave really gospel artists ?

Are Jimmy Gait& Holy Dave really gospel artists?!
Was having an intriguing discussion with a couple of prominent gospel artists today...
And an issue was raised by both in regards to how their music is received. According to Holy Dave and Jimmy Gait, there are some people who attack them for how they choose to put across their message. True to their word& right on cue, a question was asked via twitter that sought to clarify whether Jimmy's song featuring DK "Furi Furi" is indeed gospel. The question didn't seem to bother the two as they calmly cleared the air on the issue.
According to Holy Dave, the songs they put out are for a specific niche: the young, young-at-heart &teenie boppers. Ergo, they have to put the message across in such a way that their audience will receive them. Profound? Nay but for Jimmy Gait to proclaim that he has given his life to Christ "furi furi" is brave.
I consider the move brave because he boldly proclaims his stance and leaves nary a doubt in anyone's mind as to whom he considers to be his Lord. That clearly classifies him as gospel aye? But he is venturing into the world of the unsaved.
Holy Dave has adopted a similar approach to spreading the gospel. They have been really successful at doing that to the extent that hearing the song "Furi Furi" or "Ni Msoo" which features Holy Dave, "Exponential Potential" by Juliani or "Dakika Tatu" by Daddy Owen at a club, pub &/or jam session doesn't elicit any blank stares.
Why is it a problem when these lads go after their target audience? If anything, such courage is the reason gospel jams are now mainstream and accepted accross the board.
We need to stop creating mountains out of mole hills& accept the fact that these brave artists have charted the new frontier just as Jesus did. Let us stop rebuking them for exhibiting such bravery in their service to their God.
Afterall, it all boils down to the content of the music, not the music nor the hip factor of the videos& dance moves. Not that i'm a pro at quoting scriptures but didn't David dance as fervently for Yahweh?!
That is my humble opinion.JIMMY GAIT AND HOLY DAVE1
Holy Dave, Jimmy Gait and my colleague Jeff.

Juliani to star in Vioja Mahakamani


Gospel rapper Juliani

 Celebrated gospel rapper Juliani is joining the likes of Ogopa deejay queen Avril Nyambura,
Size 8 and ‘Chips funga’ singer Anto Neosoul in acting career.
The rapper made a guest appearance on Kenya’s legendary longest running TV show Vioja Mahakamani. Juliani was excited because he has always been interested in acting alongside the gurus in the film industry.
Here is the Vioja mahakamani photo during the shoot